Monday, November 4, 2013

I dream a dream.

 Almost every night I dream. I dream of houses and people and being in a house with people. When it comes to dreams I would prefer to have wild adventures.  And there is the occasional wild adventure. 
 Like the time I dreamed I was defending a section of interstate against a wild African lion who was hanging around to pick off slow and disabled passerby. I was equipped only with a Glock and a one-bullet-at-a-time dispensing brother to help. That was an adrenaline filled dream and I woke up feeling energized and inexplicably grudging.
 But, I would rather fly in my dreams. Or go down slick slides on a tropical leaf. 
 But it seems as if pistol wielding/sniping dreams are what my wild adventures mostly consist of, otherwise I dream of mundane stuff consisting of houses and people and people in a house. 
 Even so, I prefer to wake up with visions of houses and people rather than open my eyes to the realization that I just spit on my pillow because I dreamed something gross was in my mouth. 
 I'm sure you can commiserate. 

1 comment:

  1. I have many dreams, and many dreams of people and houses are the good dreams! I have bad dreams, wild scary dreams that will never come true!
