Friday, December 18, 2015

Project DIY Paint Fabric Cushions

This was a fun project on a nursery rocker. It was a boring brown color and it transformed it into a nice color I was well pleased.

Martha Stewart paint medium
Flat paint Cherries Jubilee
2 inch brush
Water mister

Mix one part Martha Stewart paint medium to two parts paint. 

Lightly mist clean fabric with water. 

Lightly brush on paint. 

Let dry completely. 

Sand painted and dried fabric which will soften it. 

Apply a light second coat as needed. 

This is before. 

This is after. (Beside it you can see a blue couch that I also painted.)

This is my paint selection. 

This is the paint medium. 

An empty wide mouth mayo container works well for mixing. 

After the first coat. 

My father in laws brilliant creation for drying them. Hammer a nail into each corner of an empty crate for streak free drying on all sides.  

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how beautiful your couch painting has turned out! And you can change the color whenever you want! And it is so creative.
